Another #TBT Bit Tank Audition

June 30, 2016

     Ever since I met these performers back in January during their Bit Tank auditions at iO Chicago, I've begun to notice them more and more on the audition circuit. Now, I'm not saying the two are connected, but...

     Here's a look back at one of my favorite auditions from that day. Enjoy! 


#TBT Bit Tank Auditions

June 2, 2016

     For Throwback Thursday, here's a look at one of the contestants, Eric Lewis-Baker, from iO Chicago's live reality show Bit Tank, Season 2. I taped the auditions of all the performers, then we (and by we I mean myself and the creator of Bit Tank, Micah Sterenberg) informed all the contestant hopefuls that if they made it onto the show, this audition footage would be used as their intro video, sort of their "package" that would play as they walked out onto the stage. What we didn't tell them is that we'd mainly be using their bloopers.

     With the show underway, one by one contestants were introduced, and the outtakes began to roll. Needless to say, it was a delightful surprise for the performers as well as the audience! 
