COVID-19 And What That Means For Tapings

March 13, 2020

Well, the inevitable has happened. As a precaution, several studios in Chicago are shutting down for the next several days which means tapings will be extremely limited. If you do have a self-tape request, feel free to reach out to me. However, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to get you scheduled.

More availability should open up after next week, but right now studios are paying attention to what is being recommended and proceeding accordingly.

Because of this lack of availability, I’m extending my “Voter Discount” through the month of April. Just show me a picture of your “I Voted” sticker or wristband to receive $5 off a half hour session or $10 off an hour.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Stay safe and stay well everyone!

Discount Extended Through October 15!

October 1, 2019

Last month I ran a discount for $5 off a half hour session or $10 off an hour session. It was supposed to run through the month of September, but I had to go out of town the last few days of the month. So I’m extending it! Now through October 15th, mention this post to receive the offer, good on a taping or coaching.

There are still spots left for the October Virtual Showcase. Sign up now at The recording date for this month’s showcase is October 23.

Lastly, happy October everyone! It is quite possibly my favorite month of the year. The weather is a little cooler, but not so cold we have to bust out the North Face jackets, and apple and pumpkin scents fill the air. How are you spending these days of Fall? Carving pumpkins? Visiting haunted houses? Brushing up on your acting skills (obviously)? Whatever you are doing, here’s wishing you a delightful season filled with apple cider and lots of auditions. :)

The September Showcase Has Posted!

September 25, 2019

The September edition of the Chicago Virtual Showcase has posted, and can be found at A password is required to view the showcases. For security reasons we do not post the password online, but you can reach out to us through that site to gain access.

The date has been chosen for the October showcase recording, and we’ll be posting that tomorrow - first to our contact list and then on the showcase website. Interested in getting on our contact list? We’ll only email you regarding the next showcase date, and you can let us know if you’d like to register for that month, remain on the list or be removed. Send an email to to learn more.

The Septemebr

In other news…

September is going strong with self-tape requests. Don’t put your self tape off to the last minute! Studio space books up quickly. In order to get everyone’s taping and editing done before their links are due, it’s best to schedule an appointment as soon as you get the request, particularly since this time of year tends to be really busy in the industry. Also, a good rule of thumb to remember is that the earlier you submit your audition, the better .

It's Been a While...

March 18, 2019

Audition season has been a fierce whirlwind these last few weeks, so I haven’t posted in a while. Now seems like the perfect time to offer a discount for Spring! I figure with so many requests for self-tapes, everyone could use a little financial relief right about now, not to mention the tax deadline is looming over all of us.

For the rest of March, take $10 off your session, regardless of how long of a session you book (yes, you can take $10 off a half hour session). Just be sure to mention this post when you schedule with me!

See you in the studio!

Aaaand We're Back!

January 13, 2019

I hope everyone had a joyful and peaceful holiday season. It can be hard to get back into the swing of things, but I can officially say all my holiday decorations are finally put away. Progress! And with the new year comes a slew of new auditions as pilot season ramps up. Those self-tape requests are rolling in, and I look forward to meeting new actors as well as working with my regular clients.

Listed under the Resources tab of this website are a variety of studios, schools and organizations that I think can really benefit Chicago actors. Many offer classes and workshops geared toward nailing the audition, prepping for pilot season and brushing up your cold-reading skills. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

I want everyone to have a successful year, and the best way to do that is to be proactive. Enroll in a class, watch your self-tapes and learn what makes one better over another, add to your audition repertoire so you always have appropriate material ready to go, and just keep at it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

HAPPY 2019!

Pilots, Pilots, Pilots

February 15, 2018

     Pilot season is in full swing, and it's crazy right now! Due to the current high demand for self-tapes, please keep the following in mind: 

* Scheduling is tight. If you are unable to make your appointment, I need to know as soon as possible, but no later than two hours prior to your scheduled time. If you cancel less than two hours before you are scheduled to tape, you will be charged the full amount for your session, even if you reschedule.

* I cannot always grant same-day tape requests. Although I do what I can to accommodate your schedule, it is not always possible to get you in for a last-minute taping. Please book your appointment as soon as you can to increase your chances of getting taped.

* I need to know how much time you want to book. I try to allow time immediately after your session to compress your file, so that you are not waiting around all day for the link. If you know how much time you need to tape, I can adjust the schedule to allow time for editing. There are times when someone might booked in a slot immediately following yours, so running over your session time is not an option. If you are unsure how much time to book, ask for more. You will only be charged for the time you use. If you send me your sides, I can help you determine how much time you'll likely need.

* I do weekend tapings! If your link is due Monday morning, and you are unable to tape the week before, know that the weekend is an option. Although there is an additional fee for weekend tapings, just know it's available to you.

     Stay focused, keep breathing, and we'll all get through this exciting time together. And if you get a callback or book the job, let me know - I'm rooting for you!

Back in Business

January 2, 2018

     The holidays are over, and it's time to get back to work! I hope everyone had a lovely winter break, and am eager to see what 2018 brings to all you dedicated actors. Pilots are gearing up and auditions will soon start rolling in. Make sure you're ready! Interested in a new acting class? Check out my Resources page for a list of reputable schools and studios offering a variety of classes. Many offer on-camera workshops to help you prepare for your upcoming film and television auditions. When you need to put something on tape, contact me! I'm happy to help, and look forward to seeing you in the studio.

Happy 2018!

She Booked It!

December 2, 2017

     Congratulations are in order for Laurie Carter Rose. We taped her audition Thursday of this past week, and on Friday she found out she got the part! Woot woot!

Have a self-tape success story to share? Be sure to let me know so I can spread the good news!

November Discount!

November 3, 2017

     It's hard to believe the holiday season is already upon us when I'm still snacking on Halloween candy! My sister has already given me her wish list for holiday gifts (I know, right?!), and it's never too early to start looking for those deals! So here's a deal for you: $5 off November self-tapes with code FACEBOOK. Have you liked the Facebook page yet? Be sure you do, so you can stay in-the-know on upcoming discounts and news.

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2017

     Happy Halloween! The October discount is coming to an end, but stay tuned for a new discount in November! Be sure to "Like" the Facebook page to get the latest updates.

     What a pleasure meeting two new actors today - Leah and Maya. Thanks for coming in, ladies!