Cast Your Vote and Get a Discount!
March 9, 2020
Illinois - next Tuesday, March 17, we have a big choice to make. Actually, several big choices. In addition to the presidential nominee there are numerous judges to vote on as well as water reclamation district candidates, just to name a couple of big categories.
I just finished filling out my mail-in ballot. I prefer the mail-in ballot because I can see all the candidates in front of me at once, do my research and vote in the quiet and comfort of my home. It also reduces the likelihood of me making a mistake on my ballot. And yes, you can track your ballot to make sure it is received. is an EXCELLENT resource to look up the judges - I did not always agree with the judge marked as the "Democratic Pick" and in fact some of the "picks" actually have negative ratings. Do your research. is another great resource and has info on the candidates running for the water reclamation district. If you have any questions about using these resources, ask me! And if you'd like to know why I've been feeling the BERN for the last several years, I'll be happy to tell you.
This month I’m offering a discount to everyone who votes in the primary election. Just show your “I voted” sticker or wristband and receive $5 off a half hour session or $10 off an hour.