It's Summer...Supposedly

June 22, 2018

     Despite the June gloom happening outside, summer has officially begun. What are you doing to celebrate? Seeing a show? Acting in a show? Taking a class? Auditioning tends to slow down around this time of year, allowing for the opportunity to brush up on your skills.

     Are you interested in a coaching? Maybe you want to add another monologue to your repertoire, but you'd like some direction (practicing in front of a mirror is helpful, but it's always good to have an outside eye). For the rest of June and July, I'm offering $10 off 1-hour coachings*. Just mention this post when you book your appointment.

*This discount does not apply to self-tapes, as there is extra time involved in editing and compressing links.



Virtual Showcase & Second City Info

January 6, 2017

     It's a new year, and things are kicking into high gear. This month, Matt Miller will be recording another Virtual Showcase for adults. Don't know who Matt Miller is? Check him out here. Want to know more about the Virtual Showcase? Just click on the "Matt Miller's Virtual Showcase" icon below. It's a great way to get in front of Chicago's top industry professionals.

     At the end of the month, I'll be returning to The Second City Training Center with a coaching workshop and Virtual Showcase for teens. Agents are constantly looking for new faces, and this is a great opportunity to be seen by all of Chicago's agents, along with casting directors, producers, etc. - all at the click of a button. Sound like something you or your child might be interested in? Click here for all the details!

     Finally, have a success story you'd like to share? I want to hear it! Just send me an email by clicking the button below.

Hope to see you in the studio soon!

Registration Ends Soon - Sign Up at The Second City

September 12, 2016

There are only a few days left to sign up for the Coaching and Virtual Showcase at The Second City! This is a class designed for the advanced teen actor, and focuses on preparing commercial copy and scenes for an online showcase. Get all the details HERE.

Coachings Complete! Up Next: Showcase

August 20, 2016

The Second City Training Center

I spent the morning and afternoon coaching teens on their commercials, scenes and monologues. I love meeting new actors! They were eager to work and gave it their all. I saw some really strong choices today, and I can't wait to see what they bring to the showcase recording tomorrow. Woot!

"I need an agent, but agents want to see footage, but I don't have any footage, so I need an agent..."

August 11, 2016

     It can leave you feeling helpless: you're taking acting classes, you audition for plays whenever possible, yet you can't seem to get your foot in the door with any of the film/television casting offices. I need an agent, you think. But most agents want to see some of your work - ideally your on-camera experience - before they decide to take you on as a client. That can be difficult, since the way to get on-camera auditions is typically, well, through an agent.

     In your ideal world, you have multiple clips in varying genres that you can compile into a reel. In reality, you have a blurry iPhone video of you dancing at Lollapalooza that doesn't exactly scream "Oscar."

"So how do I get footage if I don't have a reel?"

     Back in the olden days (aka 2006), submitting a reel required you to download your footage to a disc, which you then mailed out to a list of agents in the hopes that a) the disc didn't break in the mail and b) the agent actually opened it. Times have changed. Now a reel can be emailed in seconds via a link, and agents can view it with a simple click of the mouse.

     Guess what? Audition footage is viewed the exact same way. Preparing a few quick scenes to tape as you would a self-taped audition gives you footage. And that's all the agents really need to see - footage. So why not try taping a few scenes and commercials to compile into an "audition reel," so that if an agent asks, "Do you have anything on tape?" you can answer, "Yes."

     I'm not talking about audition footage you shoot at home on your phone (reread the Lollapalooza comment above). I'm talking about professionally-shot footage you tape at a studio, with a reader and proper lighting.     

     Another incentive to having professionally-shot audition footage is that agents get an idea of what to expect from you when they send you to the casting office. They can see and hear you slate, notice how you dress and present yourself, and assess your on-camera technique through your read.

     So why not try it? If you're interested, click here for more information - I'm happy to help!       

August Deals and Discounts

August 8, 2016

     With production season in high gear, Chicago has been booming with auditions. Would you like a little extra coaching before heading into the casting office? For the month of August only, receive $10 off a one-hour coaching. Just mention the code HOTHOTHOT in your email to me. Half-hour coachings and tapings are just $40, which means for $10 more you can get an extra half hour! That's HOT.

     Oh, and one more thing...I'm offering a FREE actor reel to the FIRST person who requests it. You supply the footage and I'll cut it into a reel, providing you with a downloadable link. Just send me an email and mention FREEREEL. Happy Monday!

Can't I Just Record My Audition On My Cell Phone?

July 11, 2016

     As an actor, you might be asked to audition for a project when you are not in the town the audition is being held. In this case, you'll need to send in a self-tape. Some might ask, "Can't I just tape my audition on my cell phone?" A cell phone certainly comes in handy for auditioning: it is small enough to fit in your pocket that you can easily pull it out to use as a prop, and it's a great tool to practice recording your auditions so you can see yourself on tape and make appropriate adjustments to your work. Depending on the project for which you are auditioning, it might make sense to use your phone to record and submit your audition as well, as long as you know how to compress your files based on the casting director's requirements. This method could certainly save you a few bucks, and might be practical if your audition is for, say, a local play or a student film.

     However, for bigger projects, or for characters and scripts that you wish to have a bit of coaching, it's definitely worth spending a few dollars and having a professional take care of everything for you. You'll have peace of mind knowing the lighting will help make you look your best, the clips will sound great and the footage will be edited to your agent's and/or casting director's specifications.

Having worked in casting...[Kate] provides a keen eye for what does and doesn’t work on camera. You won’t feel rushed and she makes sure you’ve got it in the can. She is also able to juggle any technical instructions from your agent about the files.
— David Midura, actor

     So to answer the question: yes, you can record your audition on your cell phone, but do so wisely. If you have any doubts about whether or not your cell phone footage will be good enough for the project to which you are submitting, go with your instincts. If you do decide to use your cell phone, have someone do the filming for you, preferably using a cell phone stand, so your footage is not shaky. You will need to have a reader who can read the scene with you, and be sure to shoot against a plain background in a flattering color (black and white are typically not ideal).

The Second City: Teen Coaching & Showcase

July 7, 2016

All set up at Donny's Skybox at The Second City - ready to coach these teens!

All set up at Donny's Skybox at The Second City - ready to coach these teens!

Just coached my first workshop of teens at The Second City Training Center! I am recording their Virtual Showcase tomorrow and I. Cannot. Wait. These young actors were professional, asked smart questions and came ready to work. What more could an instructor ask for?


Audition Taping with Mercedez

June 30, 2016

Just finished recording an audition for Mercedez. She emailed this morning, and her agent needed the link TODAY. I'm so happy I was able to schedule her in at the studio. She taped her audition and her agent liked the link - it's a win-win!

Plus, she spells her name in a really cool way. :)