It's Been a While...

March 18, 2019

Audition season has been a fierce whirlwind these last few weeks, so I haven’t posted in a while. Now seems like the perfect time to offer a discount for Spring! I figure with so many requests for self-tapes, everyone could use a little financial relief right about now, not to mention the tax deadline is looming over all of us.

For the rest of March, take $10 off your session, regardless of how long of a session you book (yes, you can take $10 off a half hour session). Just be sure to mention this post when you schedule with me!

See you in the studio!

It's Summer...Supposedly

June 22, 2018

     Despite the June gloom happening outside, summer has officially begun. What are you doing to celebrate? Seeing a show? Acting in a show? Taking a class? Auditioning tends to slow down around this time of year, allowing for the opportunity to brush up on your skills.

     Are you interested in a coaching? Maybe you want to add another monologue to your repertoire, but you'd like some direction (practicing in front of a mirror is helpful, but it's always good to have an outside eye). For the rest of June and July, I'm offering $10 off 1-hour coachings*. Just mention this post when you book your appointment.

*This discount does not apply to self-tapes, as there is extra time involved in editing and compressing links.



Hello Again!

May 21, 2018

     It's been a while! Now that pilot season is winding down, I decided it's time for a NEW DISCOUNT. Through June, just mention SPRINGSAVE to receive 10% off your next taping.

     Editing is now complete on the May Virtual Showcase. Don't know what I'm talking about? Learn about the Virtual Showcase here.

     Have a success story? Let's hear about it! Send me an email (found on the Contact page) to share your good news.

     That's it for now. Happy auditioning!


It's Spring! It's Voting Day! It's Time for a Discount!

March 20, 2018

     It's Voting Day here in Illinois - get after it! As an added incentive, I'm offering $5 off your next taping. All you need to do is show me your voting wristband, sticker, or the selfie I KNOW you took, and I'll deduct $5 from your session fee. There is no expiration date for this offer, but you can only use it once. Happy Spring, and Happy Voting!


Supporting Everytown for Gun Safety

March 3, 2018

     With all that is happening in the world right now, particularly in our own country, it can seem overwhelming to figure out how we as individuals can make a difference and have our voices heard. Well, Lauren Welke, a Casting Director here in Chicago, is looking to change that. She has organized a social media pep rally, taking place on March 23. See her post below. The idea is you purchase a shirt from the site (100% of the proceeds will go to Everytown for Gun Safety), then wear it on March 23 and post pictures of yourself with it, using the the hashtags #EndGunViolence, #WhiteoutGunViolence, #EnoughIsEnough, #NotOneMore.

     I'm going to go one step further: if you participate, I'll give you $20 (the cost of the shirt) off one taping. You have nothing to lose, and you would be helping a great cause. Please consider participating, or at least sharing Lauren's post to help spread the word. There are 5 days left to order to guarantee delivery. Thank you!

Refer-A-Friend and $ave

February 2, 2018

     How is it February already?! Pilot season is in full swing and auditions are rolling in. Stay on top of your game. If you need a self-tape, let me know as soon as possible, as availability is booking up fast. 

     For the month of February, you can help out your actor friends with the Refer-A-Friend incentive. If you refer someone to me and they do a taping, they'll get $5 off the session, and you'll receive $5 off your next taping. Just make sure your friend mentions you referred them, and reference this deal!

Holiday Schedule

December 15, 2017

     Season's Greetings! In just one week, Chicago Self-Taped Auditions will be going on hiatus for the holidays. Appointments will be available through December 21, then on December 22 I'll be headed out of town until after the New Year. If you want to get a coaching in before the year is up, don't wait! And be sure to take advantage of the December Discount: 20% off your session. This is the best deal I offer the entire year, so don't miss out! **You must mention code SNOW DAY in order to receive the discount.

Happy Holidays!

December Discount

December 8, 2017

     Hello! 'Tis the season for giving, and this month I'm giving my biggest discount yet. On your next self-tape or coaching, mention code SNOW DAY and receive 20% off your session. Typically, a half-hour session is $45 and an hour is $70. With the discount, you'll only pay $36 for a half hour, or $56 for an hour. AND, you can use the discount code as often as you'd like. But hurry! This deal is only good through December 21, 2017. On December 22 I'll be taking a holiday hiatus and heading out of town, returning January 3, 2018. Happy holidays!

November Holiday Schedule

November 21, 2017

     The holiday season is upon us, and that means a change in hours on the schedule. I will be out of town the rest of this week, returning to Chicago the evening of the 26th. Tapings will be available again on the 27th. If you are traveling this week, be safe! 

     Next week will be the last week to take advantage of the November discount - $5 off a self-tape. If you schedule an appointment with me before the end of the month, be sure to mention the discount to receive the offer!

     In other news, Matt Miller's Virtual Showcase just finished up another round. I have almost completed the editing for everyone's files, and it will post soon. Stay tuned!

November Discount!

November 3, 2017

     It's hard to believe the holiday season is already upon us when I'm still snacking on Halloween candy! My sister has already given me her wish list for holiday gifts (I know, right?!), and it's never too early to start looking for those deals! So here's a deal for you: $5 off November self-tapes with code FACEBOOK. Have you liked the Facebook page yet? Be sure you do, so you can stay in-the-know on upcoming discounts and news.