Have a Wonderful Holiday!

November 24, 2019

Have a wonderful holiday week and weekend, everyone! Chicago Self-Taped Auditions is officially on hiatus this week. I’ll be checking emails periodically but I might not be able to respond right away. I’ll see you in December!

Limited Availability and Holiday Schedule

November 19, 2019

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are already upon us (though I still refuse to watch ANY Christmas movies until after Thanksgiving). With the holiday season comes a change in scheduling. Most ongoing projects will soon be on hiatus and the need for self-tapes will quickly drop. If, however, you do happen to get a self-tape request between now and Thanksgiving, please note my availability is extremely limited.

For the remainder of this week I will do my best to get you on the schedule if you need a taping, but I will not be available at all next week, November 25 - December 1.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Just a Few Days Left to Register!

November 5, 2019

Hi Actors! There are just a few days left to register for the November Virtual Showcase. Think the holiday season is a bad time to try to get an agent? Think again! As the entertainment industry slows down agents actually have a little more time to comb through submissions, which allows them to sign actors just in time for pilot season. The November and December Virtual Showcases are perfect opportunities to let agents know who you are! Click here to register.

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Tapings Closed June 30 - July 4

June 28, 2019

Hi All! Just a heads up, there will be no tapings June 30 through July 4. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Holiday Schedule

December 15, 2017

     Season's Greetings! In just one week, Chicago Self-Taped Auditions will be going on hiatus for the holidays. Appointments will be available through December 21, then on December 22 I'll be headed out of town until after the New Year. If you want to get a coaching in before the year is up, don't wait! And be sure to take advantage of the December Discount: 20% off your session. This is the best deal I offer the entire year, so don't miss out! **You must mention code SNOW DAY in order to receive the discount.

Happy Holidays!

December Discount

December 8, 2017

     Hello! 'Tis the season for giving, and this month I'm giving my biggest discount yet. On your next self-tape or coaching, mention code SNOW DAY and receive 20% off your session. Typically, a half-hour session is $45 and an hour is $70. With the discount, you'll only pay $36 for a half hour, or $56 for an hour. AND, you can use the discount code as often as you'd like. But hurry! This deal is only good through December 21, 2017. On December 22 I'll be taking a holiday hiatus and heading out of town, returning January 3, 2018. Happy holidays!

November Holiday Schedule

November 21, 2017

     The holiday season is upon us, and that means a change in hours on the schedule. I will be out of town the rest of this week, returning to Chicago the evening of the 26th. Tapings will be available again on the 27th. If you are traveling this week, be safe! 

     Next week will be the last week to take advantage of the November discount - $5 off a self-tape. If you schedule an appointment with me before the end of the month, be sure to mention the discount to receive the offer!

     In other news, Matt Miller's Virtual Showcase just finished up another round. I have almost completed the editing for everyone's files, and it will post soon. Stay tuned!

Happy 4th!

July 2, 2017

Chicago Self-Taped Auditions will be closed through July 4th, and will resume tapings on July 5th. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!

That's a Wrap!

December 20, 2016

Happy holidays, everyone! Chicago Self-Taped Auditions is officially on hiatus for the remainder of 2016, and will reopen January 4. Thank you for a fantastic year!

'Tis the Season

December 16, 2016

     As the holiday season approaches, the entertainment industry tends to slow down and the need for audition tapings dwindles. I will not be running any self-tape sessions December 20 - January 3. There will likely not be as many news posts either, as I will be out of town.

     That said, it has been an exciting week in the studio - return clients and a professional wrestler! Thanks for coming in, guys. 

Happy holidays, everyone. See you in 2017!