Exciting Studio News!

April 7, 2017

     In an effort to broaden my availability to actors, I have some exciting news! I recently converted a spare room into a home studio space. 

Home Studio

Home Studio

     Typically, I tape my sessions at Acting Studio Chicago, located in the Near North Side of Chicago. As you know, however, an actor's schedule doesn't always align with regular business hours. Sometimes you're on set all day and can only tape in the evening, or your day job prevents you from recording your audition during the week, so you are only available on the weekends. My home studio, located in the Lakeview neighborhood, allows me more flexibility to work around your schedule. 

     Complete with all of the professional equipment you would find at other recording studios, I guarantee your audition will look and sound just as fabulous as if we had recorded it at the downtown location. Just take a look at these still shots from recent sessions, including one with Ari Afsar, Eliza in the Chicago production of Hamilton:

     Acting Studio Chicago will always be my first option when scheduling your recording, particularly for its convenient location to the theatre district and nearby hotels where out-of-town actors are often situated. But just know that in the event studio space is unavailable there at the time you need it, you are not out of luck!