Do You Have a Success Story?

October 6, 2019

“Hey Kate, I just wanted to let you know that I was cast from the self tape you did for me last week. They offered me a different role from the one I auditioned for. It films next weekend. Have a great weekend!” — Steve L.

I love hearing success stories like this one! And this was Steve’s SECOND booking from one of our self tapes! Do you have a self tape success story? Email me! Tell your actor friends! So much of this crazy business we’re all in comes from word of mouth. If you’ve booked something recently, I’d love to write about it here. It helps other actors know that, yes, it is possible to book from self tapes, so they shouldn’t just disregard them.

It also helps me know things are on track for my clients. My goal with this business is to get you a callback - even better, a job. Recently after a session an actor asked, “Does anyone ever actually book anything from self tapes?” The answer: they do! One of my favorite things is reading an email from a client telling me they got the gig. I want YOU to be that client. So please share those stories, and keep submitting those tapes.

Break a Leg at the Callback!

August 28, 2017

     After working on his self-taped audition with me last week, Matthew O. Miller sent an email letting me know he has a callback for the part. So excited for this guy - break a leg!

Have an audition coming up that you'd like a little extra help with? Need to put an audition on tape? Let me help! Check out the Self-Taped Auditions link at the top of the page for rates and contact information.