Editing Complete!

October 28, 2019

Last Wednesday I recorded the October Virtual Showcase and we really had some standout actors! It took me a little longer than usual to get everything edited, but the editing is finally complete and the showcase has been sent to the actors to preview.

After a few cancellations and unfortunately one actor who was too young to be included in this round (we’re working on the next date for a Kids and Teens Showcase), we ended up with seven actors total. We try to keep our numbers between 5 and 12 so as to present agents and directors with a manageable list of actors to review.

Thank you to everyone who participated! Our November recording date will be posted soon.

We're Almost Sold Out!

October 4, 2019

Hey! The October edition of the Chicago Virtual Showcase is almost sold out (we have one spot left)! Don’t hesitate to sign up. If we can’t get you in this month, we’ll add you to the waitlist for November. For those who have already participated recently, we LOVE hearing your success stories. If you’d like to share the news about a job you booked or an agent you signed with after they saw you in the showcase, email the showcase staff at chicagovirtualshowcase@gmail.com.


Virtual Showcase Tomorrow!

September 19, 2019

Tomorrow is the September Virtual Showcase! I was thrilled to have one of the participating actors reach out to me for a coaching (why more actors don’t do this is baffling to me). We worked on finding the comedy of the scene, beat changes, and techniques for making it look good on camera (stop moving around so much!). I look forward to seeing how she applies the notes to her recording tomorrow.

Which brings me to a note about preparing for the showcase. In my experience I have found that actors are usually well-prepared for their scene or monologue, while thinking they can “wing it” when it comes to the commercial copy. I assure you, commercial copy is NOT easy. It takes practice - and lots of it - to nail the timing, the tone and the characterization when you are only given a few lines (if you get any lines at all). In acting - and in life, too, now that I think about it - I find that the less you have to say the harder it is to say it. There are numerous classes dedicated to auditioning for commercials, and considering it is typically the first type of audition a new actor will receive, it is certainly worth enrolling in a commercial class - or two, or three - to start honing those skills.

We don’t yet have a date set for the October Showcase, but we do keep a contact list so that interested actors can be informed once registration opens. Click on the Virtual Showcase tab from the menu on this site to learn more.